「混人说车」01—A45s AMG硬核吗?
在家乡的迎春花再一次盛开的时节,CARBEN给各位观众带来了全新的不靠谱车评节目—<CarJerks>。第一期视频中,我和米夏聊了聊足球流氓,用轮胎冒了冒烟,并在公司周边做了一次免费的腰椎脊椎检测。其实,我们试驾了全新的A45s AMG;不过对这台豪华超级钢炮的表现,我们俩各持己见。
评论 10
you guys are ABC or what? Your English is too fluent to be people who live in China but not that fluent as native speakers. Listening to you guys speaking English is quite confusing actually...so Why are you talking in English anyway?
  • 席野回复: Heyy thanks for the support. Michelle is actually native, and I’m still trying to git gud lol; but hey learning is a lifelong thing. Anyways, the vid was originally posted on youtube for viewers overseas.😉
  • 汤姆是只猫回复席野 That explains it...really? the girl's native? It gives me a feeling that you sounds more native in this vodeo lol. Have you ever lived in northern America? Cos it's hard to believe someone can reach that level of English competence without a total languag
  • 汤姆是只猫回复席野 language submersion
有油管的感觉了 哈哈
  • 席野回复: ✊✊
  • 席野回复: 这位车友眼力可以的🌚这是我们人称刘易斯·汉米夏尔顿老师。
  • ideallife回复席野 看得出